
The Seagull Lake in Kurdistan

The Seagull Lake is home to thousands of seagulls and offers some of the most breathtaking scenery in the region.

Seagull Lake is located on Dugirtkan Hill at the foot of the Bitwen Plain, near Lake Dukan. The hill is shaped like an island and is entirely covered in white, as it is blanketed by seagulls. This area has become the permanent home of these birds. The stunning landscape and the sound of the flowing river have made it a legendary tourist destination, yet it remains largely uninhabited by people. The seagulls begin breeding every year in June. If you visit the area during this time, be mindful not to disturb their nests, chicks, or eggs. Tourists and photographers are drawn to the area, fascinated by the natural beauty and the remarkable sight of the seagulls.

The seagull area remains one of the most beautiful locations in the region, largely untouched by human activity. There have been calls to preserve its natural environment and promote it as a popular travel destination. The Raparin Environmental Directorate is responsible for monitoring the seagulls, with staff checking on them daily. Unfortunately, a fatal illness spread among the birds for a few months, resulting in the death of several seagulls. However, health monitoring teams responded quickly and treated the affected birds.

Migratory seagulls are common across the globe, particularly in North America, Europe, and Asia, and are often found near lakes and rivers. They lay speckled eggs and come in various species, but the most common ones are white with black heads. Seagulls are known for their long lifespans, often living 20 years or more, and they grow to about 40 centimeters in size. They primarily survive by consuming fish, water, and food scraps.

According to scientific sources, the seagulls of Lake Dukan share the same characteristics as seagulls found worldwide. The climate in the region supports their continued survival. These seagulls remain on their island and rarely venture to other areas, as they are well-adapted to their environment. Visitors, especially photographers, should tread carefully on the island to avoid disturbing the ground nests, as newly hatched chicks require four weeks of maternal care before they can fly.

No official census has been conducted to determine the exact number of seagulls on the island, but it is clear that their population is vast. Seagulls possess some unique traits, such as mating for life and fiercely protecting their young. Interestingly, if a male seagull fails to bring healthy and safe chicks, the female will “divorce” him, and no female seagull will approach him for a long time.

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