This year marks the 240th anniversary of the founding of Slemani, a city renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. Established on...
Iraqi PM Al-Sudani and KRG PM Barzani met in Erbil to address critical issues, including oil exports, budget, cabinet formation, census, and regional developments. The...
Nechirvan Barzani outlines strategy to combat climate crisis in Iraq Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani participated in the opening ceremony of the UN Climate Change...
President Masoud Barzani praised Danielle Mitterrand’s pivotal role in defending Kurdish rights and fostering global peace during a heartfelt centenary tribute. On Tuesday, November 12,...
Sabir Kurdistani, born Sabir Mohammed Ahmed in 1955 in Kirkuk, was a prominent Kurdish singer whose heartfelt songs captured the essence of Kurdish culture. Known...
Badia Dartash stands out as a prominent figure in the arts of Kurdistan, recognized for her pioneering contributions to theater and drama. Born in 1946...
Kurdish-Norwegian Fighter Mohamad Zarey secures debut win at BRAVE CF 37 with first-round submission Mohamad Zarey, known as “The Kurdish Gorilla,” made an impressive debut...
Elina Nazri, an 11-year-old Kurdish table tennis prodigy from Kermanshah, has secured first place in Iran’s under-11 national table tennis championship. Held over three days,...
A remarkable victory for the Kurdish sports community was achieved on October 26, when 15-year-old Diar Shamilov took first place at the Apsheronsky Championship in...