This year marks the 240th anniversary of the founding of Slemani, a city renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. Established on...
Sabir Kurdistani, born Sabir Mohammed Ahmed in 1955 in Kirkuk, was a prominent Kurdish singer whose heartfelt songs captured the essence of Kurdish culture. Known...
Badia Dartash stands out as a prominent figure in the arts of Kurdistan, recognized for her pioneering contributions to theater and drama. Born in 1946...
The University of Sulaimani has announced the identification of five new spider species, marking a significant milestone in the scientific exploration of the Kurdistan Region....
Jajem, a cherished product of Kurdish handicrafts, represents one of the oldest artistic traditions in the region. Historically crafted by women at home, this craft...
The Kurdish Association of Barbang in Kazakhstan has recently honored two remarkable artists, Zara Pasha Mahui and Shvan Parwar. This recognition has sparked a notable...
Shaqlawa buzzes with tourists in the summer, but the foothills of Mount Safin attract visitors year-round, offering breathtaking views and a charming escape from the...
In the Kurdish city of Mandali, located in Diyala Governorate near the Iraq-Iran border, expansive orchards flourish with a variety of fruits throughout the seasons,...
The 10th Pomegranate and Autumn Festival kicked off on October 31, 2024, at Halabja’s City Park, drawing hundreds of attendees and showcasing the region’s rich...