A documentary film about Kurdish Yazidi girls under the hands of ISIS will be screened, telling the story of their rescue within the framework of several ideas in one film.
Erbil will host a screening of “Kchani Xor,” a documentary directed by Rebar Doski, a Kurdish filmmaker residing in the Netherlands. The movie explores the lives of Kurdish Yazidi girls who escaped ISIS and addresses the fate of their offspring when they marry ISIS men and Yazidi women.
On the tenth anniversary of the Yazidi Kurdish massacre, the film will be screened by the Canadian Embassy, the Consulate General of the Netherlands, the Consulate General of Germany, and the Kurdistan Film Commission.
“Kchani Xor” has previously been screened in the Netherlands. The seven girls who starred in the film were welcomed to the country and spent a month there. The Dutch government recognized the ISIS attack on the Yazidis as genocide, partly due to the documentary.
Doski stated that the most challenging aspect of directing the girls who escaped ISIS was gaining their trust. He shared that, as a man, it was difficult to expect them to share their stories and emotions. After three years of preparation, the film was finally shot. Doski spent time with the girls in Lalsh, sharing bread and weeping with them until they felt comfortable enough to share their experiences.