Kurdistan’s leaders call for unity among political parties, emphasizing cooperation to protect national interests and address ongoing political and economic challenges.
After decades of struggle and countless sacrifices, the Kurds have reached their goal and put an end to the rule of the Ba’ath regime in Kurdistan. The ongoing challenge now is to protect the unity of Kurdistan’s political parties and to safeguard the status of the Kurdistan Region.
Currently, discussions are centered on forming a stable cabinet for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), while in Baghdad, efforts are being made to resolve outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad. All sides are calling for unity and a unified voice among Kurdistan’s political parties.
The people of Kurdistan hope that Kurdish leadership will rise above all political, partisan, and personal conflicts—both domestically and internationally—and establish a unified vision and strategy for Kurdistan’s national future. This would pave the way for achieving the national aspirations of the Kurdish people. Those with true will and determination in the Kurdish cause will restore the value of the nation and elevate the Kurdish identity to new heights.
Hiwa Gailani, a member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), told The Kurdish Globe: “It is clear that after the fall of the Ba’ath regime, the Kurdistan Region entered a new political and economic phase, securing a significant portion of the Kurdish people’s rights within Iraq’s constitutional framework. The main factor behind these achievements was the unity and consensus among Kurdistan’s political forces, especially between the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). Despite facing numerous crises and hardships, including opposition from Baghdad’s regimes and federal authorities, Kurdistan has maintained a better economic, service, and living standard compared to the rest of Iraq.”
He emphasized: “As President Barzani mentioned in his speech commemorating the uprising, Kurdistan’s revolution and its victory were achieved through the will of the Kurdish people, the heroism of the Peshmerga, and the unity of Kurdish political forces in the liberation movement.”
Similarly, Ghafur Makhmouri, Secretary of the Kurdistan National Democratic Union, told The Kurdish Globe: “In past stages, the Kurds have been able to secure their freedom through unity and collective action. Today, Kurdistan faces fewer threats and challenges. The key to protecting Kurdistan’s stability is for Kurds to move forward with a spirit of brotherhood, unity, and solidarity.”
He added: “The crises Kurdistan has endured, such as the war against ISIS, budget cuts, and political pressures, make it imperative that political factions come together in the future to collectively tackle these challenges.”
On multiple occasions, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani and KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani have stressed the need for unity. They have called on all political forces within and outside the government to work together in the national interest of the Kurdish people. They call on all political parties outside the government to support and cooperate in the national and patriotic framework that serves the interests of the people of Kurdistan. “If we make mistakes, let us correct them together; if we do good, let us be appreciated.”
The Kurdish Globe