
Reasons for Non-implementation of the Agreement Between Erbil and Baghdad

By Tahseen Wsu Abdullah


Since 2003, relations between Kurdistan Regional and Iraqi Government have fluctuated in went up and down stages, sometimes approaching direct conflict, and sometimes reaching a common understanding to overcome the accumulated crises.
The issues of conflict between Erbil and Baghdad range from the implementation of the principles of the federal system and genuine partnership to the issue of borders and the issue of financial entitlements of the region in the federal budget. To find common solutions to issues of contention between the two sides. Despite reaching an agreement, the agreements are not implemented in practice. The Iraqi Federal Government has always included other issues in the process after signing the agreement, only to prevent the agreements from being implemented.
In Iraq, it is not the state, political authorities and official institutions that decide on issues, but there are groups and forces that are outside the official authority of the state but have supreme and absolute authority Create problems or obstacles on any issue that does not suit their interests and affect their power and position in the political process and decision-making center. The Iraqi government is so dominated by these illegal groups and forces that it cannot keep any of the promises made in the agreements.
According to Transparency International Organization’s reports, Iraq is among the most corrupt countries in terms of finance and administration. The best evidence for this was the exposure of the theft and corruption known as the “theft of the century” in Iraq. Many illegal groups and government officials in Baghdad are involved in such massive corruption, but the government’s powerlessness The graduates have gone deeper into political power and have created their own private companies and investments at the expense of the state to waste public money and budgets.
Instead of confronting these groups, the Iraqi authorities are finding excuses not to implement the agreements they have made with the Kurdistan Region. In other words, the Iraqi authorities are hiding from the implementation of the agreement with the Kurdistan Regional Government to hide the theft and corruption of officials and illegal groups and cover up the stolen money Do not pay the finances of the Kurdistan Region and the rights of the citizens of the region.
Despite all the evasion that can be seen in the position of senior Iraqi officials, but the Kurdistan Regional Government insists on implementing the agreements and fulfill the promises to the Kurdistan Region, for this purpose, the Prime Minister himself is on the line.
Therefore, what can be seen in the attitude of the Iraqi authorities towards the implementation of the agreement between the two sides is to hide and create obstacles rather than implementation, which is directly related to the policy pursued by groups outside the official state They create problems and obstacles with the direct and indirect support of hegemonic forces outside Iraq, without returning to the government and official institutions.

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