
Erbil inaugurates drug rehabilitation center

On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, in the presence of Masrour Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, a cornerstone-laying ceremony was held for the Awareness and Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts in Erbil.

Narcotic substances are a global threat confronting all societies, with countries worldwide striving to prevent the spread of this deadly issue. One key measure to address this challenge is the establishment of treatment and rehabilitation centers for addicts and individuals affected by drug use.

Until 2003, Iraq in general, and the Kurdistan Region in particular, was among the cleanest regions globally in terms of narcotic substance use, recording one of the lowest rates of drug users.

However, after 2003, factors such as security vacuums, political instability, weak border controls, the rise of militia forces, and weakened state institutions led to a steady increase in drug trafficking and use. This escalation even included the establishment of drug manufacturing and widespread trading networks.

In response, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has taken significant steps to combat this threat. Recognizing the impact of drug addiction on youth and the broader society, the KRG has worked diligently to address the issue, which poses a risk to the social fabric.

The primary goals of the new Awareness and Rehabilitation Center include raising public awareness about the dangers of narcotics, educating people on self-protection strategies, reducing personal, material, and social harm, and providing effective treatment for individuals struggling with addiction.

By Muaiyad Ahmad

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