
Kurdistan prepares for regional change and unity

President Barzani plays a vital role in peace processes, anticipated to lead regional reconciliation efforts.

In an exclusive interview with The Kurdish Globe, Dr. Bashir Haddad, former Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, highlighted the Kurdistan Region’s significant role in maintaining regional stability. He emphasized that President Barzani has been pivotal in advancing peace processes within the region.

Kurdish Globe: What is the role of the Kurdistan Region in maintaining regional stability, and how has it managed to uphold balance?

Here’s the shortened and simplified version:

Dr. Haddad: The region is going through a sensitive period. Rapid changes are taking place. What wasn’t expected to happen quickly happened. Everyone, especially the Kurdistan Region, needs to prepare for these changes. They must try to benefit from them while minimizing negative impacts.

The changes in Syria will have direct security and political impacts on Kurdistan. The Kurdistan Region must play a role in improving Rojava’s Kurds’ situation. They need to facilitate their path to achieving their rights. They should help them benefit from Kurdistan’s experience.

Kurdistan must help unite the conflicting parties in Rojava’s Kurdistan. Currently, they have internal conflicts and different viewpoints. These ongoing conflicts will negatively affect that part of Kurdistan.

The Kurdistan Region has a national duty to help Rojava’s Kurdistan unite. This will help them deal with the Syrian situation through a unified delegation. The Kurdistan Region should also use its relationships with America, Turkey, and Europe to benefit the Kurdish future in the region.

Kurdish Globe: How has the Kurdistan Region managed to maintain balance amid tensions between the U.S. and Iran, and the ongoing Gaza-Israel conflict?

Dr. Haddad: Kurdistan has successfully maintained stability and distanced itself from conflicts. However, regional developments might inevitably impact Kurdistan. As part of Iraq, the Kurdistan Region faces challenges in preserving this balance, occasionally requiring compromises.

The region has paid a price for its stability—with rockets and attacks targeting Erbil from various groups operating outside the law. To navigate these challenges effectively, it is imperative for Kurdish political factions, particularly the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), to strengthen their unity and coordinate more closely.

Kurdish Globe: What is President Barzani’s role in shaping the region’s future, particularly in fostering reconciliation among Kurdish factions?

Dr. Haddad: There is no doubt that President Barzani is regarded as a charismatic leader in the region. His pragmatic leadership and well-considered proposals have made him a respected figure in Iraq. Many Iraqi governments have been formed in Erbil with significant input from President Barzani, who has played a crucial role in facilitating agreements between various factions, especially Sunni and Shia groups.

In Kurdistan, neighboring countries closely discuss the issues with President Barzani. His efforts have been instrumental in convening multiple dialogues among factions in Rojava’s Kurdistan. In recent years, he has significantly contributed to peace initiatives in Turkey. Turkey recognizes the importance of President Barzani’s role in its peace process. The Kurdistan Region must also maintain strong ties with neighboring countries and global powers to navigate current challenges effectively and avoid detrimental conflicts.

The Kurdish Globe

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